Do you want to get comfortable with change? First step is to learn your energetic life pulse. It’s like breathing and looks like this:
Expansion, your aura/field will expand, you will manifest and life will have more flow. You’re plugged into to a deeper meaning to life and you might feel like anything is possible. Indicators: Physically you feel high. Mentally clear and sharp. Emotionally peaceful or joyful. Spiritually you’re one with everything.
Stasis, you won't expand any more but there is a pause.
Contraction, and everything that you learned from the expansion will come in and challenge and help heal wounds. This can be frustrating but it's a very important step because it integrates and creates a new reality. Indicators: Physically you might feel drained, fatigued or low energy. Mentally unsure, cloudy and doubtful. Emotionally prickly, morose or blue. Spiritually…what’s that?
This is the frame work of the energetic life pulse and it’s the same for everyone but the details are all very different. Energetic expansion is what will drive change, it holds new feelings of hopefulness and possibility. Once you feel and explore this to the fullest there’s a chance that old defenses, beliefs, fears, and hurts that keep you stuck in “safe” patterns will come up for you. To navigate this terrain it will be important to understand what energetic life pulse stage is at work and you can rest in knowing if you are in a contraction your expansion is just around the corner.